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Our Baby Quilts are Free Hand Quilted.
In the art of Free Hand Quilting, quilting lines are not marked on the quilt top. Each stitch is meticulously placed to out line an object or picture to enhance it and make it stand out.

ABC Bunny
35" x 47"
Flannelette on the front and back , makes this a warm and cuddly quilt. A cute bunny rides in a carriage while surrounded with alphabet blocks. The backing and binding is a plain teal.

Dinosaur Babies
35" x 42"
Flannelette on the front and back , makes this a warm and cuddly quilt. Playful baby dinosaurs look for tracks in the sand.
The backing and binding are a dusty blue.

Lady Bug
2186- crib-f
35" x 41"
Flannelette on the front and back , makes this a warm and cuddly quilt. Lady Bugs play amongst the flowers in this bright and cheery quilt. Both the back and binding are a bright pink.
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